
Herbs anyone

Now that spring has arrived my mom and I finally decided to start the garden.  It might possibly be the best part about summer.  I love having fresh vegetables and herbs to cook with.  However, it's slightly still early for the vegetables to be planted because it's not warm enough.

We went to a local nursery though yesterday for a fun trip of perusing and once we arrived we couldn't resist buying something to start the garden.  So we are starting with herbs.  We got there and roamed through all the fresh vegetable, fruit, and herb plants and we both go to excited, therefore, our temptations gave in.  I felt like a kid again, asking "when do we get to start planting vegetables?" or  "is it still too early?"  So I think my mom wanted to end the questions and gave in.

Once we got home, I immediately planted them.  I was so excited to start the trend of our garden and am waiting anxiously for the arrival of hot days, sun, and a fresh garden!  
(Check back tomorrow for the DIY)

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